Refund Policy

All sales are final and non-refundable , we would only consider doing so under very special circumstances, such as a duplicate payment or if the product was never downloaded after the purchase.

You’re only eligible for full or partial refund if:

  • When the order has not been completed yet
  • When the order has been cancelled.
  • When the purchased product has not been downloaded yet

Because it is a digital product, we can not offer a refund if you have changed your mind or found a different product that you prefer at the last minute. Note that we logged user download access which can confirm whether the product has already been taken or downloaded.

We also do not offer refund to repentant users who wish to voluntarily give up their license, Is to read carefully the specifications of the product. If you still have doubts, or wanted to learn more about our product, make your inquiry by contacting our sales agents that we will gladly help you.

Be reminded that before requesting a refund that there is a difference between a defective product and a poor product configuration, usually error messages are usually related to improper server configuration that makes the product not working properly, consider any of our recommendations In the support section.

Please note that opening a dispute or initiating a chargeback will not expedite your refund request and we reserve the right to refer the case directly to the PayPal fraud department where it may result in your account in that entity being limited.